Everything Great In The World Comes From Neurotics.
Today Is The Day To Dust Off Your Dreams.
This Is Life. Not Schedules And Calendars. Not Worries Or News Feeds. Those Are Merely Time Fillers. Life Is Beauty, Splendor, Awe, Wonder, And Most Of All, Love.
Dare Mighty Things
There Is Nothing That Can Equal The Treasure Of So Many Shared Memories.
In This World There Is Room For Everyone.
You've Got This!
Find Joy In Each Day
Never forget that you are one of a kind.
Here's To Strong Women.
Speak The Truth.
Delight In The Little Things.
You Are My Sun Shine
Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Life Is Simply One Damned Thing After Another.
Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
To Infinity And Beyond!
Every day the world will yell "This is important! You need to worry about this!" And each day it's up to you to say, "No, this is what's important".
She Believed She Could, So She Did